Mongolia #1 - Bantan


Welcome to this series where I will talk about my five month stay in Mongolia. I will share with you
some of my adventures and how I came to eat the most iconic meals of Mongolia. 

You will also be able to make all of these Mongolian meals at home by checking out my favorite website
for traditional Mongolian recipes. Just click here to reach it.

Journey To Mongolia

I went to Mongolia for work and knowing nothing about the country beforehand a coworker rented me a
room in his home. He lived with his parents and this was the best thing that could have happened to me
since his family taught me about Mongolian cooking and helped me discover new meals.

I first arrived in UlaanBaatar after 15 hours of nonstop traveling so as you can imagine I was exhausted.
I entered my new home for the next 5 months and went directly to bed.

As soon as I woke up, around 3pm (I arrived at like 7am), my coworker’s mom served me a bowl of soup
which was full of Bantan.

Bantan Soup

Mongolia Soup

This soup is simply a mix of water, flour and meat. Waking up with jet lag and tasting the strange flavor of
the soup was too much, I could not finish it. However, this soup quickly grew on me and soon I it became
one of my favorite meals in Mongolia.

Stay Tuned

My taste buds changed a lot during my stay in Mongolia because their cooking doesn’t involve a lot
of different ingredients. Despite this, it amazed me how many different dishes they can make from the
same few ingredients.

If you are interested in making this soup for yourself click here for the full recipe. Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter below to know when I post the next chapter of my Mongolian adventure.

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